We provide you with a secure access to our visual user-friendly platform that allows you to manage the content of your website.
Secure access to our visual user-friendly platform to manage the content of your website
Once logged you can
We manage the multilingual content of your website
Homepage of the website of Galapagos displayed in the visual user-friendly platform provided to the company
You can modify the settings of all your pages.
Just change the content and click on Save.
You can modify the settings of every page
We create all the pages of your responsive design website.
You can create your own pages by yourself at any moment: just click on « Create a page »
You can add a document to your website at any moment by yourself.
You manage events by yourself.
We feed you website with your share price.
Intraday and historical charts are interactive and compatible with iPhone / iPad.
Charts are customised according to the layout of your website.
The following schedule is an average and depends on your reactivity concerning
We need 6 weeks for the development of your app.
It includes
Once your website is ready we publish it and make it visible under your domain name.